Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Do you have hair goals????

I know you are thinking; ‘ hair goals???????? Who has time for that?????’
Well, the first step in developing a hair regimen is understanding your hair goals.
What exactly do you want to achieve? Less breakage?  Healthy hair?  Longer hair? Thick hair?????
Know what you want to achieve..

What works for me might not work for you.

We are all individuals, and our hair is so so different. Take time to note what works  and what does not work for you. It will be try and error until you figure out that product and that hair technique that your hair loves and actually works best for you. and when you find what works for you, stick to it!!!!!!!!!!

Example of a weekly hair routine.

Sun: wash ,detangle and braid/twist
Wed: moisturise
Fri: twist out/ braid out
Sat: moisturise

Come up with a routine that is convenient for you and your hair needs.
 All the best in developing your hair care routine.
Take note that, the cornerstone for success with any hair care system is discipline, patience and diligence.
God bless you.

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