Sunday, 9 February 2014


Introduce yourself:

 I am Fatima, a young Zambian blogger getting into healthy living through eating right and working out. I am into african fashion but my number one obsession is hair care.

How long have you been growing your hair????

my hair 2011
 I had shoulder length hair with no effort but bad hair decisions which include tight braids, bad experiences with hair stylists and hair coloring damaged my hair so bad within a short period of time. That was my turning point. I promised myself that I would learn to take care of my own hair and I never turned back. I have been on my hair journey for 3yrs now filled with 10,000 setbacks but so far so great.

What is your weekly/monthly hair care routine?

 I am big on low manipulation. It has been one of the major factors that have helped me progress. So protective styles 95% of the time.
I pre-poo once a week, another vital part of my regimen, using a mixture of conditioner, oils and
my hair 2012
honey. I shampoo after that using a sulfate free shampoo then deep condition with a similar mixture to my pre-poo.  I usually blow dry on very low heat after air drying till my hair is almost completely dry. I moisturize and seal every day. I clarify my hair every 6 weeks or so.

 How often do you relax your hair? What is your staple relaxer?

 I texlax rather than relax my hair to maintain texture and thickness. I do this every 10-12wks. No staple relaxer yet, but been using organic root stimulator olive oil of late.

 Any advice to the people that want to grow long healthy relaxed hair?

 well, am all about healthy hair regardless of whether ones natural or relaxed. The difference only comes in when it comes to styling as relaxed hair doesn’t shrink. But I’d advice people to be open to making hair care a part of their routine. Often I get people telling me they have tried everything but their hair 'won’t grow'. Whenever I ask if they have a regimen, the answer is no. So firstly one has to put up a regimen. Not a complex one but one that could be easy to comply to and very important; be consistent. The rest will fall into place. Also to read blogs (both natural can relaxed). Learn a lot from other people’s experiences.

Where can we find you?????

Facebook page: Zed Hair Request.
Instagram: Zedhairequest.

Protective styling- bun

Thanks Fatima for sharing your story.