Monday, 3 February 2014


Introduce yourself.

I am a Zambian female who is obsessed with growing long healthy hair. But, I’m even crazier about music and dancing.

How long have you been growing your hair?????

big chop may 2012
I have been growing my hair for almost two years now, had a big chop in late may 2012. But I only started taking good care of my hair mid 2013.

What is your weekly/monthly hair care routine?

 My routine is simple. When my hair is loose (unplaited), I shampoo and deep condition weekly. I switch between organic root stimulator mayonnaise and olive oil moisturing conditioner. To seal in the moisture, I use a mixture of olive oil and rosemary oil then I air dry in bendy rollers.
I have recently added co-washing to my regimen.
my hair dec 2013
My hair is in protective styles about 90% of the time i.e weaves and braids. I usually go for about 4-5 months in protective styles. However I wash and deep condition in between the styles , balancing between moisture and protein.

my hair jan 2014

How often do you relax your hair?

I relax my hair twice a year with olive oil relaxer.

What is your advice to people that want to grow healthy relaxed hair?

Relaxed hair is extremely difficult to handle coz its fragile, relaxers weaken the protein bonds in the hair. As a result our hair needs a good moisture/protein balance to maintain good elasticity and strength respectively. Keep your hair clean, wash and condition weekly. Do a protein treatment atleast once every 4 weeks, these can be drying to your hair, make sure you follow up with a moisturising conditioner. Moisturise and seal your hair to keep it in good shape day to day.
Always do a protein treatment at least a week before you retouch to strengthen the hair. use headbands for protective styling and keeping the hair in place.

The following are photos of my protective styles:

protective style,a week b4 retouch

Thanks Grace for sharing your hair story.

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